Network for Engineering with Nature
National Susie Lee National Susie Lee

Network for Engineering with Nature

U.S. Army Corp of Engineers

The Network for Engineering with Nature (N-EWN) is an active community of researchers, practitioners, and educators who are addressing the major infrastructure challenges facing our society while creating opportunities that align ecological, social, and engineering processes to achieve multiple societal benefits.

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Collaboration on Nature-Based Solutions is Key to Resilient City Infrastructure
National Guest User National Guest User

Collaboration on Nature-Based Solutions is Key to Resilient City Infrastructure

World Resources Institute

Research shows that nature-based solutions (also sometimes called “natural” or “green” infrastructure) such as trees, wetlands, parks, open spaces and green roofs can address many of these problems at once. Nature-based solutions serve as multi-benefit infrastructure that meet core community needs while also providing co-benefits.

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Joint Benefits Authority
National Guest User National Guest User

Joint Benefits Authority

World Resources Institute

The Joint Benefits Authority is an independent entity for collaboration that allows joint planning, funding, project delivery, and long-term stewardship for transformational projects that deliver multiple benefits to communities by scaling natural infrastructure approaches. As a tool/framework/approach, it provides a more effective way to address challenging cross-sector problems faced by communities through collaboration.

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