Michelle Kondo, Ph.D.
Gary Ricke Gary Ricke

Michelle Kondo, Ph.D.

Scientist with the USDA-Forest Service, Philadelphia Field Station. Her research addresses the following broad questions: What are the health consequences of environmental disparities? By which physiological and psychosocial mechanisms do environments affect health? And, what impact can place-based and nature-based initiatives have on preventing and reducing violence, injuries, and disease? She is also interested in evaluating the influence of community participation in place-based initiatives on health outcomes.

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Gregory Bratman, Ph.D.,
Gary Ricke Gary Ricke

Gregory Bratman, Ph.D.,

Assistant Professor of Nature, Health, and Recreation at the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington, works at the nexus of psychology, public health, and ecology, and is focused on investigating the ways in which the environment is associated with human well-being. He takes both empirical and theoretical approaches to understand how nature experience impacts human mental well-being, specifically cognitive function, mood, and emotion regulation, with an emphasis on people living in urban environments. He is also working to inform the ways that the mental health effects of nature can be incorporated into ecosystem service studies, and in efforts to address health inequities.

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