Climate Risks and Opportunities in the Great Lakes PDF
Regional Susie Lee Regional Susie Lee

Climate Risks and Opportunities in the Great Lakes PDF

Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc.

This report examines several dimensions of how communities, municipalities, and states in the Great Lakes region can anticipate: the risks posed by climate-change-worsened stormwater events, the vulnerabilities among their populations, and their workforce capacity to execute Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) projects. It also presents ways to strategically finance projects for maximum value and efficiency.

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City of Chicago Climate Action Plan
Chicago Region Susie Lee Chicago Region Susie Lee

City of Chicago Climate Action Plan

Joining 96 cities around the world, the City of Chicago is updating its Climate Action Plan to reflect the bold action needed to protect and strengthen communities, both locally and globally. The updated climate goals aim to reduce carbon emissions while also increasing household savings, advancing environmental justice, and improving community health.

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